Sunshine Chapter AUSA Army Birthday Ball
Celebrating the 249th Birthday of the United States Army
15 June 2024
Doubletree by Hilton Orlando At Sea World
The Army Birthday Ball
A Central Florida Tradition since 1982
Each year, local AUSA chapters all over the country host Birthday Celebrations on the Army’s birthday. The Sunshine Chapter - affectionately referred to as the 'Flamingo Chapter' - is Central Florida’s local chapter of AUSA, and has been organizing the Army Birthday Ball for the Orlando Army Community for more than twenty-six years. This year, we are proud to announce a traditional celebration of the Army's 249th Birthday by hosting an the Army Birthday Ball, in-person here in Orlando.
About AUSA
what is ausa?
The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) is the private organization chartered to support your Army. AUSA is a 501 non-profit organization that was formed in 1950 as a public advocate for the Army, its’ Soldiers, and their families. All chapter members are volunteers, and 100% of all funds raised go to the AUSA mission.
The AUSA mission: By law, the Army and Soldiers cannot petition Government to improve or correct issues in the Army. As a private organization, AUSA petitions the Government for the training, resources, and equipment needed to accomplish the Army’s many missions. AUSA also advocates in support of Army families for the services and support they need. AUSA also has an education objective in its charter to help the nation understand the elements of national security, and the history of the Army which has kept the nation free for 249 years. The third mission of AUSA is to connect and foster support for the Army among citizens, businesses, communities, industry, and civic organizations for the betterment of all common-interest people and entities.